Mindfulness has become much more popular in that last few years, but what is it?
The founder of Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction Training, Kabat-Zinn, says “Mindfulness is the awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.”
Mindfulness uses all our senses to notice what is happen right now. Not dwelling in the past or fretting about the future. It also emphasises that the present moment is constantly changing. It is important to remember the principle of being non-judgemental. Mindfulness does not assume that things are idyllic all the time. There is also an expectation that our thoughts will naturally wander, and we will need to choose to bring our focus back to the here and now.
It can be helpful to think of mindfulness as a skill. The skill of being able to control the focus of our attention. This could be focusing on our breathing during a specific mindfulness exercise or notice what is around us as we go through our day to day life.