Keep In Touch Days

Mum cradling baby while talking on phone

Employees can work up to 10 days during their maternity or adoption leave.

These days are called ‘keeping in touch days’.

Keeping in touch days are optional – both the employee and employer need to agree to them.

KIT (Keeping In Touch Days) can be very beneficial for employers and parents returning to work. They serve to keep communication with Employer and Employee during maternity leave and offer opportunity for the parent to be kept up to date with any changes to their role or team. A lot of parents have said they have found this helpful when preparing to return from maternity leave.

The type of work and pay employees get should be agreed before they come into work. The employee’s right to maternity or adoption leave and pay is not affected by taking keeping in touch days.

Child care costs would also need to be considered when arranging KIT days.

Single Employer

Information for Employers

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